Created 29-Sep-20
“There is no environment "out there" that is separate from us. We can't manage our impact on the environment if we are our surroundings. Indigenous people are absolutely correct: we are born of the earth and constructed from the four sacred elements of earth, air, fire and water."

- David Suzuki (Canadian academic, science broadcaster, environmental activist, and author of The Sacred Balance: Rediscovering Our Place In Nature where he adds biodiversity and love to the traditional four elements).

As I continuously organize and re-organize the images in this gallery of elements, I find that it is sometimes difficult to categorize photos. Does an image of water flowing around a rock belong in the Earth section or the Water section? What if a turtle sits on the same rock? Biodiversity? Hmmm.... So, I'm not going to get hung up on labels because ultimately, all the elements are but physical manifestations of the same Spirit.

The Spirit of Virginia: Earth

Visitors 11
423 photos
Created 15-May-24
Modified 15-May-24
The Spirit of Virginia: Earth

The Spirit of Virginia: Air

Visitors 8
215 photos
Created 15-May-24
Modified 15-May-24
The Spirit of Virginia: Air

The Spirit of Virginia: Fire

Visitors 12
276 photos
Created 15-May-24
Modified 15-May-24
The Spirit of Virginia: Fire

The Spirit of Virginia: Water

Visitors 13
463 photos
Created 16-May-24
Modified 16-May-24
The Spirit of Virginia: Water

The Spirit of Virginia: Biodiversity

Visitors 8
490 photos
Created 16-May-24
Modified 16-May-24
The Spirit of Virginia: Biodiversity

The Spirit of Virginia: Love

Visitors 3
42 photos
Created 20-Jan-24
Modified 20-Jan-24
The Spirit of Virginia: Love